Jul 7, 2008

Giant knitted bra!

Well, not quite. This is the beginning of a diagonally knitted cardigan. At least, that's the working hypothesis at this point.
I started with two identical pieces, casting on 3 stitches, and then knitting back and forth in garter stitch, increasing 2 stitches in the middle of every other row. This is of course the same as the 90 degree angle in a Zimmermann surprise jacket.
In order to make the angle less than 90 (to shape the waist slightly) I didn't actually increase on every other row, but skipped it on certain rows:

and above the point decided to be waist height, I increased four instead of two on some rows. Then, when the lower edge was long enough, I joined the pieces and continued with increase and decrease on the same row.
The yarn was bought in a greasy little stall somewhere in New Delhi. The little clerk in the little stall smelled a good sale coming when he saw me (very tall and pale according to New Delhi standard) enter. He showed me 30 different acrylic yarns. Apparently wool was the good stuff, and only came out when I was still not satisfied with what I saw (I had hoped for silk and cashmere...) but this is what I got:

two "beautiful" boxes of 200 g each, complete with stench of coal smog.

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