Jan 20, 2009

Puke Mill

You may know of a type of Christmas decoration where hot air from candles make an angel-decorated propeller turn, and the motion rings some bells and makes the angels sick. Thus the name of this decoration according to ancient German tradition, puke mill (German: Kotzenmühle, Herr Dr. Maly please correct my spelling if I'm wrong - ahh: Kotzmühle is the correct spelling, thank you Herr Dr!!). This puke mill is indicated in the picture below as the old puke mill. You see, there's a new puke mill in town. The best puke mill!! Wheeee! The new puke mill was my Christmas present, and arrived along with its companion, the japanese winder. Winding is very addictive, and we are in the process of winding our stashes.

PS By some interesting coincidence, both the old and new puke mills are Swedish

1 comment:

Thorsten Maly said...

Hey Astrid, you got it almost right. It is Kotzmühle.