Sep 9, 2008

Oops, I did it again!

I was peacefully working on my Noro project, and then suddenly... I had a new project in my hands! I'm using a pattern for a Shetland lace shawl from a book called "Illustrated Guide to Knitting The Creative Way" edited by Janie Ryan. I bought it from a pile of used books, price $1, which I must say is cheap for this book: half of it is an 80's horror show that really belongs in The Museum of Kitschy Stitches, the other half is useful classic patterns. One of them said pattern for a Shetland lace shawl:I'm using some Spinni Tweed from my stash, bought from Henriksens Uldspinderi. I am knitting it very loosely on an Addi Turbo Lace 3.5 mm circular, and it feels great! It really almost knits itself in my hands. So the center is already done, and I've started the first border:

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