Nov 1, 2008

Shetland Lace Shawl, Blocking

Whee! Finished the border of my red shetland lace shawl in what may be called a knitting marathon. Here it is blocking:I blocked it to 130 x 130 cm, hope this is enough. I think it looks good, although the faggotting between the middle and outer borders is not completely square. Was not sure what to do about this - thought about blocking it too, but thought it would look worse...
The shawl is blocking without sewing in the (two, but anyway) loose ends, on the assumption that it will easier to see how tight they should be sewn one blocked.
I was not sure about how to knit the faggotting around the corners. I made about one extra repeat (10 rows) at each corner, and made extra faggotting as well. But the extra stitches are really not needed on the inside of the corner, and the faggotting is somewhat clumped together I think. Looked at pictures in Victorian Lace Today, and they show extra faggotting as well... still not completely convinced, though.
Besides that, the verdict is: happy!

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